Javascript capabilities

• Oct 27, 2009 - 18:58

I apologize if this is in the wrong section, but I did not see a javascript or programming section of the forum.

I have 3 questions regarding javascript.

1) Can one determine a selected/highlighted part of the score from js?

2) Can one create multiple menu options from a single js - e.g. a single js where different menu items would modify behavior?

3) Does js support parameters to be passed from the menu?

Thanks for the help.


There is no section for plugin development because the plugin framework is still very young.
The language is similar to javascript but it's better to refer to it as QtScript.

1/ No. Not yet. See:
And add your word.

2/No. I don't think so.


For 2/ and 3/, if you have some real case scenario, you can describe in details what you want to be added in the plugin framework by submiting feature requests in the issue tracker.
Try to be as descriptive as possible.

If you missed it, the "documentation" for plugins.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I looked at tuning.ui again. This is exactly what I need. After the searching I'd done before I was under the, admittedly false, premonition that the ui file required a compiler. I am so happy to see it does not. Are there any good references for UI Xml tags that you recommend?

In reply to by ethyr2000

The easiest way is to install QtCreator(bottom left).
You will have a WYSIWYG editor for .ui files.
I wrote a couple of plugins, including tuning.js and colornotes.js. If you need support, feel free to ask.

If you don't already know about it, in MuseScore, Hep -> Enable script debugger is very very useful.

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