Note velocity properties (Inspector vs. PRE Piano Roll Editor)

• Jun 16, 2021 - 00:06

Is it correct to say that:

     Inspector>Offset = PRE’s Velocity(Relative)

     Inspector>User = PRE’s Velocity(Absolute)

If they're equivalent then why the differing names?

If they're not equivalent, what is the distinction?




Offset/relative is compared to the current dynamic and has the range [-127, 127]. The resulting actual velocity is calculated by looking at the velocity the note would get without modification (for example 64 from a default mp dynamic) and then add the offset value to it.

The "User" value is used in an absolute way and copied straight over.

Take a note in a passage for which currently a p dynamic is in effect (with a default velocity value of 49).
If the note is given an offset value of 60 the resulting velocity will be (60 + 49) so 109
If the note however is given that value of 60, but now as a User setting, the resulting velocity will be 60

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