User interface of the inspector in MS 4

• Jun 23, 2021 - 13:09

Hello everybody,
I have a question regarding the upcoming version 4, I hope this is the right forum for this.
I have been working with MuseScore for a long time and I also test the nightly builds. I am very
curious about the new version.
My question is about the user interface, specifically the inspector.
When I mark an element in the score, e.g. hairpin or crescendo/descrescendo, it takes a few
mouse clicks more to set certain properties (compared to version 3).
For instance: If I want to move a crescendeo line above or below the stave, I mark it.
Then I click on the button "Crescendos & Diminuendos" in the Inspector.
Then I have to click on "Show more" to be able to select the option.
What is the intention to design the inspector in this way? Is there a way of working that I have
overlooked so far?
In the end, of course, it's just a small thing and doesn't change anything about this great work.
Greetings, Ralf

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