Send a revised musescore file to a user

• Jul 20, 2021 - 19:20

I see that I can send notes to musescore users, but I can't send the important thing -- musical notes ! I made some minor edits to and then thought I would send them to madams48508 - but the contact form doesn't allow attachments.
The contact form also does not seem to indicate that the message is about a particular score.
When he gets it, he will probably want to compare it to his version, and either accept or reject the changes. If there was a score comparison thing, that would help.
Github does this kind of thing with a "pull request" where upload your changes, and then tell the owner of the project that they might want to have a look at them. The owner can accept your changes, or ignore you, depending on how he feels on the day. (And whether your changes are worthwhile or not.)(

Attachment Size
Ivory_Places__Henry_Barraclough.mscz 29.05 KB


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