More "Humanization"

• Sep 13, 2021 - 01:09

I thought it might be fun for some of us that have been posting about humanization to actually provide some examples. Personally I would never presume that anyone would want to torture themselves by actually playing one of my scores. I have no interest in posting scores. I write for the fun of it. I know how to make a proper score, but I am far more interested in playback. Musical playback. Not human or random playback. Musical.
With that in mind, I submit this rather simple example of what I am talking about. This is all done with dynamics and tempo.

Could I have done more? Could I have messed with timing and velocity? My interest doesn't go there.

Considering how limited we are with fonts and playback in general, I am sometimes pleased and surprised with some of the results.

I thought it might be fun if others posted a little example of how they have improved playback. And a bit about how they did it.

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