Add ShowTempoText as an option for the MIDI import operation file "midi_import_operations.xml"?

• Oct 30, 2021 - 04:31

I am trying to use the Musescore command line to export batch MP3s from MIDIs using my custom "midi_import_operations.xml" (see attachment).

However, I noticed that the tempo of the exported MP3s sometimes has a different tempo than the original MIDI. I attached one MIDI file and the resulting MP3 file as attachments using the command "MuseScore3.exe -M midi_import_operations.xml -o test.mp3 test.mid" (I changed test.mp3 to test.ogg in order to upload it).

I figured that this problem can be solved when I uncheck "Show tempo text" option at the MuseScore GUI (MIDI import section), but there is no such option for the "midi_import_operations.xml" yet, as indicated here:…

Is it possible to change the .cpp file so that ShowTempoText can be added as an option for "midi_import_operations.xml"?

Please let me know, thanks!

Attachment Size
midi_import_operations.xml 1.66 KB
test.mid 5.94 KB
test.ogg 804.08 KB

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