Corrupted tuplets on joining measures

• Dec 28, 2021 - 15:39

Following a How To on the website, I split a very long measure (almost 32 beats for common time) to add complex tuplets and then joined the measures. When I did so, all dotted notes in the combined measure were changed to undotted notes and the following notes obviously changed to accommodate. Also the notes were a series of beamed pairs, and most of the leading notes in each pair were dotted but some were not. On joining, the beams were redefined. Each beamed pair had a slur but some disappeared and others had duplicates but the range was extended as if the action did not place them correctly, or the change in note properties moved existing slur lines. Are these known issues? I could not find a similar report with a search. If I upload a score it will have the results of repairing these issues so the underlying problem would not be displayed so nothing gained by so doing.


True, the repaired score is not useful.
Can you attach a score showing its initial state (e.g., 32 bars), then explain in detail:
what you wish to accomplish,
what actions you perform to accomplish it, and then
what happens instead.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I cannot upload the file in its initial state. It's been fixed and don't have a copy of the original. But the attached file has the correct notation. Specifically it is the long measure number 30. It has the proper display of dotted notes etc. as this is the version saved after I fixed the bad effects of the joining measures. The same issue will be observed on the splitting of this file. Split anywhere but but preferably at the cords in the bass staff. When you split, the same actions occur and all dotted notes are lost. I tried splitting twice to make additional smaller measures but the second split caused a crash. Not sure if this is related. But the effects are the same as on joining (re dotted notes) but there were some issues with slurs on the combine that may or may not occur in the splitting.

Attachment Size
TestFile.mscz 65.41 KB

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