Certain random systems are very oddly spaced vertically

• Dec 30, 2021 - 00:27

I've been working on this a cappella arrangement of a song, and when adding the lyrics, certain systems would suddenly become super spaced out vertically and would not revert even when I deleted the lyrics/screwed with the page settings. Any and all help would be appreciated as this is an often recurring issue for me. I've uploaded a copy of the musescore file in case that would be helpful.

Attachment Size
Hyacinthus.mscz 37.22 KB


I assume you're referring to p6, 11-15 and 17?
The reason is that with those lyrics the minimal height of the system is increased just enough so two systems no longer fit onto a single page. The end result is a single system onto that page, which is then stretched to fill the page in accordance with your style settings.

One possible solution would be to see if you can decrease your margins just enough to make both systems fit again. Or slightly reduce the overall scaling of the score (in page settings).
Or adjust the style settings to not allow this much vertical filler stretch.

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