How to cut and paste into a Word Document

• Feb 26, 2022 - 23:35

Hello, Everyone.
Is there a way to combine a score or to insert a portion of a score into a Word Document? Or is there a way to produce a document within musescore which has portions that are simply typewritten text?

I have set a piece of music called a Canon that we use in an Orthodox service during Lent. It is divided into sections called Canticles, each containing an introductory piece of about six measures, followed by a refrain. The choir sings this. Then, a reader plain chants some text and the choir repeats the refrain. This happens several times. I'd like to be able to insert the music for the refrain in between the sections of written text. Does anybody have experience with something like this? I will attach an example of an ode score along with the score which has all of the refrains that are used in various places, plus a partial example of a page with just text. My choir director has been using some kind of program that takes a picture of the refrains and then she cuts and pastes them into the written text, but the resolution is a bit fuzzy, and we'd rather produce something nicer.

Thank you!
Peggy Robinson


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