Toggle between full score and parts view

• Mar 25, 2022 - 19:12

I would like to be able to switch from score view to an individual part view simply by right clicking on the part name in the score, and having that option as part of the drop down menu.


How would this be easier than the existing method of clicking on the relevant tab at the top of the score view window to display a part?

Of course this assumes you have first created the parts you want to see.

In reply to by James Stockwell

Yes, I suppose if you are working with that many parts it might make life a bit easier. However, I see a potential complication as you can have more than one instrument in a part - e.g. flute 1 & 2 with a stave each and it is also possible to have an instrument shown in more than one part e.g. a soloist's part and a piano plus soloist part. (It's conceivable that a similar case might occur in an orchestral or band setting where accompaniment parts might also include a soloist's stave as a cue but I've never seen it.) The first could be fairly easily accommodated with the flute 1 & 2 part shown whichever of flute 1 or 2 is selected. But the other case seems more difficult to handle.

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