Rests not updating on duration change

• Mar 27, 2022 - 05:00

The user chooses quaver duration, at a point where there is a crotchet rest.
The crotchet rest should now transform into two quavers, to show that the current unit of duration is quaver.
A quaver note can be entered now, and it appears correctly as a quaver, with a quaver rest to follow. But the quaver rests should have been there in advance. Images 1 to 3 show the Musecore flow, with Image 2 being the problem at hand. Images 4 to 6 show how Sibelius does it correctly. A lot of other scorewriters adopt this convention.
The principal is this: the chosen duration should be reflected by the current active note. You choose quaver and your crotchet rest should become two quavers. If you have a crotchet note, it should similarly become a quaver note followed by a quaver rest.
Musecore Revision 3224f34 Macbook Pro Monterrey 12.2.1


The MuseScore convention is that during "normal" mode, duration commands indeed affect the current active note.
But during note entry duration commands affect the following note to be entered, not the active note. The last entered note remains active to allow building chords for example.

What this prevents is an unwanted rest entry when exiting note input. After all, take into consideration that after having entered that second 1/8th, Sibelius also doesn't split the next half rest to show you still have the 1/8th duration active. To me, this then is an inconsistency where in one case the chosen duration is pre-applied and in another (both during note entry) it isn't..

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