D.S. al Fine and multirepeat song.

• Mar 31, 2022 - 23:48

My song has 16 measures. Measure 16 has D.S. al Fine that goes to Measure 7 (segno). Fine is at measure 9. It works.
Now, what do I do to this working format to repeat this song three times.
I've tried using the repeat sign at measure 9 but that don't work. The first time through it repeats back to the beginning instead continuing to measure 16 and then taking the Dal Segno.
I realize that I can just just append the three measures at the end but I'd rather not do that. But I will if nothing else works.
Thank you in advance for any assistance y'all can give me.


I would say that nothing else works. Just add the three measures at the end and use a regular repeat (that repeats three times.
The main usage of MuseScore is for typesetting music for people to read. And what you describe would be very difficult to understand. If you really don't want to add the extra measure, you will have to write some explanatory text at the top. Something like "Play from start to Fine three times". But that will not help the playback of course.
If, on the other hand, palyback is the important part, adding the three extra measures should not be a problem.

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