1) Offset bars in different staffs, 2) Span barline to staff above

• Apr 3, 2022 - 20:11

I am trying to recreate the score of Arvo Pärt's "Variations for the healing of Arinushka" in MuseScore 3 as shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbU0Y5l090o

  1. What is the easiest way to offset the treble, (middle) and bass staff bars like that (see 0:42, 1:23, 2:36 and 3:06 in the video) in MuseScore 3?

  2. Since I didn't know better, I tried to work with changed noteheads and invisible stems, as well as offset barlines. I chose to (positive) X-offset the bass staff barlines, but trying to extend them vertically to the treble staff turns out to be impossible. I can Y-offset and "Span from" with negative values, but I cannot make the barlines touch the treble staff; the staff distance automatically increases preventing the bass staff barline and the treble staff from touching. (The closest I can get is shown in the attached image.) How can I prevent the automatic staff distance increase?

Any help would be appreciated.

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arinushka_try.png 21.45 KB


For this non-standard notation, there's no quick way. I filled the left hand with quarter-note rests, then inserted barlines between the first and second beats of each measure. Then I made the original barlines on this stave invisible. Then I made the barlines for the right hand only span one stave. The left hand notes do, indeed, need a head change but at least this way you don't need to mess about with shifting X positions (well, maybe apart from the clef change).


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rubbpert.mscz 11.31 KB

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