Organizing scores folder causing freezing

• Apr 22, 2022 - 02:17

I was organizing my scores folder into different subfolders. As I tried to open the folders, the file application froze with the folder open. There was one subfolder that did not freeze. The difference between the two are that the ones that froze had a file with no labeling, only the musescore file picture, while the okay folder had no such file.
I can access the subfolders through musescore since they sort out files in the incorrect format, and by doing this it filters out the file because it has no name, and therefore no formatting (although the image says otherwise).
I just need to know if there is anyway to get rid of this file so I can continue organizing my scores.


MuseScore files are just normal files on your computer.
Delete them using your standard/normal way of deleting any other file.

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