Two-note tremolo with a tuplet

• Apr 22, 2022 - 02:58

the screenshot is from a video of a transcription of bobby floyd playing "georgia on my mind." at the part in the screenshot, he's actually playing a two-note tremolo. the guide tells me that in order to make a two-note tremolo, i need to create two notes with half the total duration and then link them together. but since the total duration is 3 ⅔ beats, i can't figure out a way to do that. is it possible?

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Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 6.52.06 PM.png 211.94 KB
hmmmm.mscz 5.39 KB


You wrote:
,,,he's actually playing a two-note tremolo.

Why not just use the through stem tremolos as in your screenshot?
A two-note tremolo will not look like your screenshot.

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