Extended glissando questions

• Apr 28, 2022 - 06:01

I'm trying to make a pitch-bend glissando that descends four semitones, smoothly and linearly, over four bars of 3/4. I have not found a way to extend glissandi over barlines, so I use landmark notes spaced a semitone apart at the beginning of every bar. However, when I input a glissando between the notes, Musescore simply detunes the note being played by 0, -33, and -66 cents sequentially, timed to the quarter note pulse. My goal is to make this smoother, ideally also eliminating the re-attack on every bar by extending the glissando over the barlines and making the landmark notes unnecessary.

1 - Is it possible to extend a portamento gliss over barlines?
2 - Is it possible to manually set the number of microtonal divisions a portamento gliss divides its interval into?


You can't eleminate the attack of the final note currently.

1.Yes. Add your 4 bars of tied dotted half notes. Add the gliss to the first note, click it to select it and use Shift+right arrow to move it's end anchor point (same as for any other line type)

  1. No, but you can use the inspector to change the gliss from chromatic to Portamento
Attachment Size
331603-long-gliss.mscz 3.28 KB

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