Musescore software not responding, don't know why

• Jun 6, 2022 - 01:57

For a couple of days now I have been trying to open the musescore software on my windows 11 laptop, but every time I try, a start center pops up and both the start center and main program do not respond. This problem happened suddenly and with no clear explanation. I am afraid of losing my work or not being able to access it at all, and I don't know how to fix the problem.


What version MuseScore?

Try this:
Double click on a MuseScore (.mscz) file located where you keep your scores.
Does MuseScore open properly?

In reply to by Marina Piper

Now that you have successfully opened MuseScore, choose menu item: Edit > Preferences... and then in the 'Program Start' section uncheck 'Show start center'.
See if MuseScore can now be opened using the program icon.

To check your specific version of MuseScore 3, choose Help > About
Current version is 3.6.2
You should update, if needed.

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