Zerberus not tuning samples correctly

• Jun 15, 2022 - 00:00


I'm running into problems with Zerberus and the tune opcode, seemingly with one particular set of samples (of a renaissance lute).

Basically, the harpsichord sample (see attachment) tunes correctly to A=220 minus 10 cents (not quite sure what frequency that equates to). The lute samples are slightly out of tune and need to be adjusted, but Zerberus isn't respecting the the tune opcode fully. In fact it seems to be rounding things off somehow.

The attached sounds OK in Sforzando, which is what I've been using to test out .sfz files with. (Not perfect, as the lute sample is kind of on a wolf note, but close enough.) But no matter what I do, in MuseScore the lute samples won't play in tune with the harpsichord sample (which does seem to work with the tune opcode).

Am I missing something, or have I found a very obscure bug?

~ m.e.r.e.

Attachment Size
lute.zip 1.48 MB

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