VS 2022 Soundfile problem

• Jul 15, 2022 - 11:24

Hello all,

I am not sure this is the right place to post and I am quite new to working with the source of MuseScore, but when I clone the repository (after forking it, of course), copying the dependencies directory there and opening the directory in VS2022 Professional (with the Qt VS Tools installed), I get the following error message:

Could not find: sndfile C:\Projects\MuseScore\build/cmake/FindSndFile.cmake 108

What could it be, and how can I solve it? I don't have much experience with C++ (although I have >15 yrs experience with C#, so not totally unexperienced as a developer :) )


Iede Snoek


No need to comment, apparently the unzip of the dependecies.7z went wrong, I corrected that and now it seems to work. Sorry to have bothered you.

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