D.C. does not appear to work when put after D.S. con rep

• Sep 11, 2022 - 20:31

I am trying to notate the attached song with Musescore but I am not really sure if I have found a bug or if I just cannot use the D.S. and D.C. the correct way.

What I am trying to achieve is that the repeats between D.S. and the segno will be played and after reaching the segno and the 2nd volta the song should jump to start with D.C. . However when "play repeats" is ticked the D.C. will be ignored and the playback stops. If I uncheck "play repeats" the D.C. will work but I am losing my repeats...

Please note that as I could not find my way through this issue easily, the attached project is not covering the full song but it should show you the problem I have. Any help would be highly appreciated.

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Aitan rapulla_work.mscz 27.75 KB


Change the play count at the first volta measure to 2 instead of 3 to make both jumps work.

Since there is no 3rd repeat, the D.C. is not taken because jumps are only taken on the final normal repeat. The D.S. is taken because it was covered by the volta, making the 2nd repeat the "final" one for it; but no such luck for the D.C.

If you take out the D.S., it doesn't cut short the open end of the 2nd volta, which results in that volta then covering (logically speaking) the last measure as well; thus changing which repeat was considered final for the D.C.

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