Possible bug in horizontal scrolling speed in continuous view playback

• Oct 11, 2022 - 09:12

I have found that in my current version of MuseScore (, the automatic horizontal scrolling in continuous mode is moving about 5% slower than the note playback. The score starts to scroll once the playback is at about 80% of the way across the screen but moves too slowly. This means that after 20 bars or so, the blue playback marker (which stays perfectly synchronised with the sound) has progressed off the right hand side of the window and becomes invisible.

Although the score continues to scroll, the screen is then only displaying what was previously played, not what is currently playing. This was definitely not happening in earlier versions (I can't be specific about which ones because I no longer have them installed, but definitely v3.x) and I know this because I use MuseScore mostly for rehearsing. It's not easy to do that when the bit you are supposed to be playing hasn't yet appeared on the screen!

If I pause and restart, the score redraws so that the playback point is back someone in the visible part.

I have tried several scores and it happens the same with all of them.

Bug? Or do I have a setting wrong?



You might want to look into the smoothPan/modifier/maxSpeed Advanced Preference.
Also consider turning on smoothPan/cursor/visible to gain some insight into the currently focused point of the smoothPan logic.

In reply to by jeetee

Perfect - thank you jeetee. I hadn't found those. Turning up the smoothPan/modifier/maxSpeed preference fixed the problem and setting smoothPan/cursor/position to 0.2 allows me to have the music scrolling much sooner which is what I need for rehearsal. I had always wanted that but didn't know it existed.

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