Drum Notaion

• Oct 22, 2022 - 03:48

Im trying to write a simple drum grove in 4/4 with kick drum doing quarters, snare on 1 and 3 and hi-hat doing all the upbeats. I have the kick and snare figured out but when I try to put in the hi-hat in the voice 3 position, it defaults to editing voice 1 even though I'm in notation mode and have voice 3 selected.


In reply to by brandonnotstew

While it's true that a cowbell is a different "instrument" from a snare drum, in percussion it is the notation of the rhythm (and not necessarily the duration) that is important. A single hit on a snare can't sustain the sound for, say, 4 beats (i.e., a whole note) while the cowbell simultaneously plays quarter notes. The location of that snare hit (on which beat in the measure) shows the important information. A cowbell hit may coincide with that snare hit in which case they could share the same note stem, same voice.

Instruments such as organ, piano, guitar, etc. that can sustain a note while simultaneously playing other(s) of different duration(s) often use different voices even though a single "instrument".

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