MuseScore 4 - Muse!

• Oct 23, 2022 - 09:49

I tried to download MS4 but this window appeared (see attachment):
what can I do?
Thank you

Attachment Size
allegato.png 38.87 KB
allegato2.png 139.83 KB


The original error message in Italian:
MuseScore error msg in Italian.jpg

The error message in English:
MuseScore error msg in English.jpg

From the developers' handbook - see :

"The following operating systems are the minimum required versions to run MuseScore 4.0 (nightly/development builds), first private Alpha and any subsequent versions):
- Windows 10 64-bit
- macOS 10.14
- Linux 64-bit (no specific versions)"

Maybe a developer can shed some light on this?

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