Playback problems on repetition

• Nov 18, 2022 - 05:21

I'm experiencing problems on the playback for a simple score that features a x5 repetition (attached).

The first time the playback is fine.
The second time the playback skips the first note, then plays the rest at increased volume.
The third to fifth times the playback is without sound for all measures except the last one, where the repetition is set.

hope you can help

Attachment Size
Fum Fum Fum.mscz 20.48 KB


That score was made in a test version of MS4. Since MS4 is still in testing, please refer to the list of github issues (also about repeats) and see if any of them already cover your case. If not, then open a new issue.
Make sure to test in the latest nightly before creating a new issue.

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