MS4 Appimage + Muse-Hub on Arch Linux distributions

• Dec 15, 2022 - 13:27


I have installed/downloaded appimage of Musescore 4 on Arch based Linux (Garuda). Works fine.
Also, I have found Muse-Hub on AUR (arch repositories), downloaded, installed.
I think I've got a warning that muse-sampler failed, but I have ignored.
Muse-Hub works, in the sense that I could launch it and download all the sounds.

The problem is that M4 doesn't "find" Muse Sounds on my system.
In Playback settings [Muse Sounds] are greyed out and inactive.
So I wonder how can I make MS4 aware of Muse Sounds ?
Is only that a problem?
And in general what would be the installation procedure on (Arch) Linux?
Installer for Muse-Hub is .deb package (f.ex. should I use debtap)?

Should I wait for MS4 and Muse-Hub in repositories, given that the release is so fresh?

Finally, I want to thank all the developers for this new release, it is truly great achievement, beyond amazing.


Via Diagnostics/MuseSampler/Check MuseSampler, you should have the version numer.
If nothing, then check under /usr/lib. should be there
If not, extract it from /srv/muse-hub/downloads/installers/xxx/ to /usr/lib/

In reply to by Arahant

To anyone having this issue, and having troubles extracting the archive, please note that the file is a tar archive, despite the .zip extension.

The following command line should resolve the issue :

sudo tar xvf /srv/muse-hub/downloads/Installers/*/musesampler-linux* -C /usr/lib

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