microtones !?

• Dec 15, 2022 - 15:21

i can place accidentals but the sound of the microtones isnt showing up? how do i configure or fix this?


I was wondering about this too. In MS3 there were many plugins that could modify playback to play xenharmonic tunings, e.g. Accidental Tuner.

Now that MS4 moves towards VST based playback, I am wondering about xenharmonic capabilities.

Will there be a support for playback of arbitrary (per note) tunings (via (user) defined accidentals) ?
In particular is it feasible that Muse-Sounds will be able support this feature?

Example of how Muse Sounds play microtones:


I have used in MS4 Properties --> select pitch in written score --> playback --> detune in cents (granularity possible in 0.5 cent steps).
The problem does not exist with MS Basic soundfonts.

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