Recovering lost scores from desktop

• Dec 15, 2022 - 20:11

This is most probably an issue with my computer (A P.C. using Windows 7). I looked at my computer screen yesterday morning to find that at least half of my desktop icons, including MuseScore scores were no longer visible on my desktop. I've been able to restore some pictures, information, etc., but not the scores themselves. My computer says that they don't exist. Fortunately, I had printed out all of the scores/parts on paper, so they are all intact. The advantage of having all the full MuseScore scores of the string quartet arrangements I had written was that I had instant access to them to make any changes/transpositions I wished to. I don't recall doing anything to intentionally delete these scores, and will continue to see if I can locate them.


Create a command prompt window. Issue the following command from the c:> prompt

dir /s c:*.mscz

That will find all mscz files on your c: drive. If you have multiple drives, replace the c: with the appropriate drive letter.

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