Regarding Personal Issues with Musescore 4

• Dec 16, 2022 - 17:29

Hello, all!

After downloading Musescore 4 and applying the new ritardando/rallentando/accelerando features into a score of mine, there has since seemed to be something weird about its functionality in playback. For example, when I play back a quarter-note triplet that is supposed to be played slowing down during a dramatic rallentando, some of the notes get cut off almost immediately, never sustaining to fill the space of a quarter-note in the triplet. This issue also occurs with eighth-notes, and I imagine the issue would continue with other breves.

If anyone has any idea how to fix this, help would be appreciated. I am also wondering if there is a way/will be a way to specify the arrival tempo of a ritardando/rallentando/accelerando in a score.

Thank you,
Collin Wittlich


Hello again!

I am also noticing that when I assign/change shortcuts for placing articulations in the score I both can't use the shortcut I have assigned and can't use the original shortcut.


Hello again,

(I just want to report everything I find with this new update, my apologies if this seems like too much!)

I am noticing that you can't quickly ascend or descend the staff by holding the up or down arrow keys respectively. Not only does the speed of the changing note lag, but the actual depiction of the notepad doesn't change with the changing pitch. Time signature placement is also lagging.


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