Brass effects and mutes

• Dec 16, 2022 - 22:32


This is only a suggestion, but it would be really useful for jazz user to have more of the «jazzy» brass effects such as turns, shake, falls, etc. I know that some are already implanted in the program, like the falls, but the really don't look as good as they can be. For mutes, the mute option is nice, but a bigger variety of mutes and «muted effects» would be a great addition and tool while writing for big band.

Adding those effects, even if it is only visually, might really help to bring and/or keep a more professional jazz/pop user base. Many school, mainly because it's free, started to use musescore for arranging classes witch make it really difficult to read or «feel» the music sometimes (not that it's not possible to write a good looking chart on musescore .... just that it takes a lot of work and «cheating» to make it perfect).

Here's a pretty good list of effects and mutes that could be good to add or rework.

-Short AND long fall
-Shake/Slow wide shake/Lip trill
-Plunger effects (+,o,wah,1/2)

-Cup mute
-Harmon mute
-Straight mute
-Hand over bell (H.O.B)
-In stand

I also found a good video covering the effects and they show written examples as well.
(17:22 - 38:45)

Keep up the good work, everybody on here is a blessing for the music community around the world!

Sorry if there's errors btw, english is not my first language.

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