Musescore 4 & muse sounds: note doesn't play when held down in another staff

• Dec 17, 2022 - 02:15

During playback while a note is held down, the instrument holding the note can't play that note with the same voice. For example if a piano holds middle C for a measure in voice 1 of the bottom staff, any middle C's played in voice 1 of the top staff will be silent.
This doesn't happen with MS Basic, only muse sounds.


I have also been having this problem. My best guess is it occurs by design because if you are still holding down the key, you can't re-strike it. I think there's a fair argument to be made for the feature, as it enforces a bit of realism and mindfulness regarding your keyboard part-writing.

The effect can be heard in my score below; in measure 7, beat 4 there is a high D in the bass clef that "overlaps" with a whole note D in the treble clef from beat 1 in that measure.
You can hear how it's supposed to sound in measure 16, where I've replaced the whole note on beat 1 with a dotted half so that the key is "released" before the left hand strikes it on beat 4.

The other work-around that I have employed is to separate the two hands/staves of the instrument to separate instruments, ie unlinking the staves. It would be good to be careful with this though, as it will technically allow you to put things to paper that are not possible to be played exactly as you've written them.

Situationally, this can also be solved by employing the pedal via the lines palette.

Being able to turn this feature off at will would be helpful, but I haven't been able to find it if that is a feature.

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Held Notes Example.mscz 25.06 KB

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