No saving on google drive with linux

• Dec 17, 2022 - 15:50

I have Ubuntu 22.04 and set up access to Google Drive using
everything is up to date (sudo apt upgrade)

I have installed MS3.6.2 and since today also MS4.0.0-rc (I tried both the appImage and flatpak). I also tried the latest nightly for MS4 (MuseScoreNightly-223510506-4.0_rc-5485621-x86_64.AppImage)

When saving an mscz file to the Google Drive, MS4 stops responding. The mscz file could be an old existing score, or just a new empty score from the templates. What does work:
- Saving to a local folder using MS4
- exporting pdf files to Google Drive using MS4
- opening files on Google Drive using MS4
- saving mscz files to Google Drive using MS3.6.2

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