A bug with fermatas in Musescore 4

• Dec 18, 2022 - 00:27

Overall I like the update, but here are a few bugs I've found, all related to fermatas

  1. In images 1 and 2, the fermata suddenly accelerates the fading of the note. In the first image this occurs when the second bar of the tied note is reached; the sound rapidly disappears. In the second image this happens at the minum.

  2. In image 3 the fermata causes the right hand C to be held past the bar, which, due to some voicing issues that someone else has already mentioned, causes the chord in the next bar to not be played properly.

Has anyone else had similar issues?

Attachment Size
Image 1.png 21.7 KB
Image 2.png 31.25 KB
Image 3.png 20.13 KB

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