Some bugs I just want to adress about musescore 4 and musescore in general.

• Dec 18, 2022 - 01:49

There is a bug with musescore 4 that makes it reset any workspace to default every single time I launch it again, I want to have all my toolbars and everything correctly placed for my liking, locked into the same position, I want there to be a feature where you can lock the workspace so that any new time you open it, it stays the same. It just resets my customized toolbar and changes the location of where I have my properties panel. It's been getting really annoying. I want to lock everything in the way that the picture shows, even the piano keyboard location, I don't want the keyboard location to be cut off by the mixer in the center, I want to lock the exact scale of the boxes into their correct positions so that I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I'm also gonna mention that the piano keyboard isn't showing the played notes in playback like how it did in musescore 3.

I'm gonna submit a new bug report on something else sometime later, it's not specifically about playback, more like a bug that has been in musescore for a while that can't be fixed because of piano roll not being implemented, I used to offset the notes on the midi like grace notes and stuff to actually play before the next note instead of at the same time as the bass note. I will go more in depth on it in the next bug report though, I'm also gonna mention some stuff about arpeggio lines etc.

Hopefully you can fix some of these bugs that I have mentioned here as soon as possible.
I don't know how clear I've written it, but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say.

~ Lexi

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