Custom title frame template

• Dec 18, 2022 - 02:01

Essentially what I want to do is set the title in the image as a template with a custom formal so that I can open as a template to work on a score. I don't know if this is already a feature or not, if it's not, it would be really nice to have that as a feature so that I could keep a consistent style on my scores.

It shows up in templates with the custom formatting, but not when I actually open it up.
Picture 2 shows what it looks like when I open it up.

As you can see, it doesn't have the line or the stars or the last "Key signature" subtitle. It's also not in the correct position at all.

Hopefully someone can tell me a workaround or the musescore team to add this feature.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-12-18 025337.png 46.45 KB
Picture 2.png 27.88 KB


This is currently not supported via templates as they remove all non-musical contents (but do retain styling). Your stars etc are likely just characters or an image, and as such considered to be contents.

For this type of thing you'll have to open and "Save As" your 'template'.

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