Piano Playback Has Lag (Musescore 4)

• Dec 18, 2022 - 14:43

This is a huge problem for piano composition. Uploading files into musescore 3 everything runs smoothly, but if I use the same file in Musescore 4 there's major problems. The audio playback misses notes constantly. Sometimes it plays two notes in different measures at the same time. At the beginning of a piece I can't hear the first half of the measure. In Arpeggiated chords it will only play one note instead of all three. Going from Piano to Forte sounds glitchy and abrupt. A sustain pedal will carry over into the next measure when it's not supposed to and sounds terrible, also sustain doesn't even work sometimes. And if a piece has too many notes per second the problem just gets worse. I could go on and on.

I thought it may be an error of Musekeys but the same thing occurs with MS Basic

I also have 32GB of ram so I don't think that's the issue either

Currently Musescore 4 is unusable for me


I have the same problem about the playback and pedal, the pedals sometime don’t even work for no reason, it annoy me so much. I’m trying to figure out the way to fix it but I just can’t.

Have the same issue with specific bars. Specifically sucks for longer pieces ;-;
Why is the issue with the specific number of the bar, that's the biggest question I ask myself with this problem...

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