musescore cannot publish sheet music

• Dec 20, 2022 - 05:20

I'm pretty new to Musescore, and I have Musescore 4 downloaded on Windows. I had some sheet music I arranged using the Musescore software and tried to publish it to, but for some reason, it doesn't work.
When I have sheet music that I want to publish, I click the button that says "Publish to Musescore." Then I configure the privacy to private and hit "publish." It then asks if I want to publish changes online to generate a new MP3 for web playback. I'll hit "publish". zAfter that, it'll just say "exporting audio." After the audio is finished exporting, it says "Your score could not be published. Error 401: Unknown error. Please try again later, or get help for this problem on"

I uploaded two other pieces of sheet music onto Musescore yesterday in the same way and it worked without any trouble. I'm not too sure why it won't work right now. Does anybody know how to help me?


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