MuseScore 4 - Can't input notes correctly

• Dec 20, 2022 - 12:26

I'm putting together a simple arrangement of Carol of the Bells for several of my nieces to play together: Vibraphone ("Bells"), Piano, and Guitar with linked staff and tab. The issue is entering notes for the guitar.

I'm trying to have two strings plucked on beat one of the measure, and a third string plucked on the second beat of the measure, but MuseScore 4 won't let me add the off-set note: only one three-beat note. If I manually enter a one-beat rest first, and then put in the two-beat note that starts on the 2nd beat, then when I go back and try to add the two three-beat notes at the start of the measure, that still doesn't work, because it makes the previous note and rests disappear and replaces everything with the more recent three-beat input.

In the screenshot, you can see in measure 32 the blue 2-beat note I'm trying to enter. You can't see the mouse here, but it's over near the right side of the measure, trying to pull that 2-beat note over to the 2nd beat in the measure.

Is this a bug, or am I just doing something wrong?

  • Jim
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MuseScore_4_problems__2022-DEC-20.png 221.95 KB


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