Cannot install MS4 on mac with Ventura v 13.01

• Dec 21, 2022 - 06:18

I downloaded the installer for MS ver 4 on my mac running OS Ventura , ver 13.-1. What is downloaded is an installer named 'Muse Hub'. Trying to open this gives their instruction to place it in the Applications, folder. I did this and nothing happens. I must be missing something.


Please report Muse Hub issues to that team over at

But note that you can also just download MuseScore4 directly without the Hub from the download page on this site. You'll only need to use the Hub if you wish to install the optional Muse Sounds playback library.

In reply to by jeetee

I have to say I was also confused. I downloaded from the all-blue page and expected something called musescore4.dmg. When I saw "Musehub" I thought I had erroneously downloaded something for Linux (they have all those phantasy words). I deleted the file, tried and failed to find another place to download from (apparently such a place exists but I could not get there), then repeated the download. Then I noticed the dmg extension--Mac after all--and began installing. Now I have some residues on the machine from the other items at an unknown location which I don't know how to deal with--it shows up in Finder as something that is neither a file nor a folder. Some instruction ahead of time would be highly appreciated. Also: Why not have people download the four items separately as they choose? This muse hub trick seems too clever by half to me.

In reply to by jeetee

I have to say I was also confused. I downloaded from the all-blue page and expected something called musescore4.dmg. When I saw "Musehub" I thought I had erroneously downloaded something for Linux (they have all those phantasy words). I deleted the file, tried and failed to find another place to download from (apparently such a place exists but I could not get there), then repeated the download. Then I noticed the dmg extension--Mac after all--and began installing. Now I have some residues on the machine from the other items at an unknown location which I don't know how to deal with--it shows up in Finder as something that is neither a file nor a folder. Some instruction ahead of time would be highly appreciated. Also: Why not have people download the four items separately as they choose? This muse hub trick seems too clever by half to me.

In reply to by azumbrunn

I'm not sure to which four items you're referring here?

But if you click on Download in the menu bar of this site you get to the page with all available versions.
FWIW for me on Windows that landing page does show 3 different buttons; first the default one and directly below it one for "without Hub" and then one for "older versions".

I finally figured out how to install MS4. The comment that said you could install MS4 separate helped. Not sure of what I did in the end but the instructions did not seem to be sufficient. Now I am trying to figure out the new version. One thing that there seems to no way to add color to text eg. for the title. But that is not a show stopper.

Thanks to all for your comments.

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