Does Muse Hub run on MacOS with root privileges? Expert opinion sought

• Dec 21, 2022 - 10:27

Triggered by the recent discussion about Muse Hub running with root privileges on Linux, I tried to find out what is the situation with MacOS.

I ran ps aux in a terminal and found (real username substituted):

my_username 752 0,0 0,0 34453592 6548 ?? Ss 3:46pm 0:00.02 /Applications/Muse

my_username 743 0,0 0,2 35163600 81796 ?? S 3:46pm 0:00.61 /Applications/Muse Hub launchedAtLogin

Now I am certainly not an expert on MacOS, but it seems to me that this is running safely with my own permissions. Can anyone confirm or disprove? Thanks.

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