Install Muse Hub on Chromebook - guidance ?

• Dec 21, 2022 - 15:13

Hi - trying to install Muse Hub on Chromebook to go alongside my newly upgraded Musescore 4. Clicking the download button downloads a .deb file. What am I supposed to do with it ?
Any guidance gratefully received !


OK now installed correctly - I think. I ran the following command from Terminal
sudo dpkg -i ./fullpathname/filename.deb
(I had to include that ./ before the pathname to get Linux to find the file.)

In reply to by

Hi John. I would refer you to the link below in the other reply. These were the steps I followed to get Musescore 3 and then 4 installed. I then followed the steps for Muse Hub and this all worked fine.

The problem came once I had downloaded some sounds from Muse Hub which resulted in a .deb file. Double clicking the file produced a dialog about "Did I want to install ?" at which I got nervous and declined (perhaps should have proceeded). I did a little ferreting around on Linux and unearthed the sudo command which seemed to fix the problem and the new Muse Hub sounds are available within MuseScoe4.

(Having re-read the excellent article by Mark Sabatella, reference by jetee's link below I decided to try the double click on the .deb file again. This time I opted for the installation and got another dialog saying the application should be available from Terminal. Started Terminal and ran sudo muse-hub-service (got the message "waiting for client connection). Opened new Terminal window and ran muse-hub (all as described by MS). This started Muse Hub and allowed further downloading of sounds.

Actually - it turns out that the installation also included an icon alongside the icons for Musescore 3 and 4 and I can simply run Muse Hub by double clicking it.

Hope this helps

In reply to by hedgelayer

Hey Hedge! I am on a school chromebook and i'm trying to find a way to install any version of MuseScore, i'm just not fully sure how to do so because the admin won't let me turn on the "Linux development environment", is there any other way to download MuseScore WITHOUT Linux on chromebook?

Thanks, Cameron

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