BUG: Caesura playback issues with muse sounds in Musescore 4

• Dec 21, 2022 - 20:14

**Hardware / Software / OS info:**
Ver. 4.0.0
All Muse Sounds, downloaded through Muse Hub
Reverb VST (Staff Pad Hall), downloaded through Muse Hub
Windows 11 Pro ver. 21H2
AV Linux MX-21.2.1 “Consciousness”
i9-11900k @4.5 GHz, 32GB DDR4-3200 @3200 MHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX-1650 SUPER 4GB

Muse Sounds have some odd playback issues. This report in particular is about the problems with using a Caesura. The gist of the issue is that when using a Caesura on all parts in a score with multiple instruments, the audio playback ignores the Caesura while visually the player registers it and pauses as intended. The first note after the caesura also starts to sound when the playback bar reaches it at the correct time, but quickly drops out as the audio that "skips" the caesura continues.

So far I've been able to resolve this issue pretty reliably (12/15 tries) with scores imported from Musescore 3.x ; Files created in Musescore 4 haven't presented this issue in my experience.

"Is your hardware compatible with Windows 11?" Yes.
"Have you restarted your device?" Multiple times on each operating system, yes.
"Uninstall/reinstall MS4?" Yes.
"Disable antivirus / win. defender?" I don't use antivirus and windows defender is always disabled on my device.
"have you tried running as admin/sudo?" Yes.


>So far I've been able to resolve this issue pretty reliably (12/15 tries) with scores imported from Musescore 3.x
Resolved by saving the file in Musescore 4. Maybe saving causing the version flag in the file to change from 3.6 to 4.0 fixes the issue?

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