Wrong tied note playback length with fermata and overlap

• Dec 25, 2022 - 18:11

If one places a fermata above a rest for one instrument whilst another instrument is playing its note, the fermata is applied to the entire set of instruments. Fine, but the problem is: if these other instruments have very long notes (whole, or double whole), then, their duration is extended by this fermata multiplier. It continues sounding even when the music is over and the playback has reached the double bar line at the end. I want the fermata to apply to a 32nd pause in the piano staff, make it 400%, and the whole notes of the violin staff are extended by this factor as well. MS Basic instruments used.
Enclosed you will find the screenshot and the playback exported to FLAC. Version used: Musescore 4.0.0 on Linux Mint 21.1.
Intended behaviour: the long notes should not play longer and should not create a playback overlap due to a fermata

Attachment Size
2022-12-25_22-02.png 115.08 KB
fermata-playback-overlap.ogg 172.1 KB

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