Guitar Percussive Effects

• Dec 23, 2024 - 14:42

This is not a bug, but I consider it more of a "support/how to" question.

I am looking for a means to notate guitar percussive effects and I need help. It is either available and I can't find it or it does not exist. These percussive effects are created when the player mutes the string(s) with one hand and strums with the other. You can also do a similar effect on bass guitars, etc by slapping a string with the hand or thumb. Possibly, the same might be applied to a violin by a muted pluck, but I have no experience or knowledge of that. I searched around the program palettes and plugins and could not find anything.

A few examples of percussive guitar effects may be found in the following:
Bass guitar - Williams Avenue by Quarterflash. The 1980 song "Stomp" by the Brothers Johnson features Lewis Johnson's slap bass style.
Guitar - Intro of Modern Love by David Bowie or Don't Fight It by Kenny Loggins.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.


With the guitar playing one of the Muse Guitar sounds, select the note(s) you want to be played muted/percussively. Go to the Properties tab (upper left), then Note / Head / Notehead type and select the X (the second one on the list). Those notes will be played muted.

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