Musescore4 deleting first note of each measure

• Dec 25, 2022 - 18:41

Hello! I tried uploading a score to (from ms4), and it worked fine, however I noticed afterwards, I went back to the score, changed a couple of things, hit "save as", then uploaded that to as the updated score. I checked it in the website, and it showed the first note of every single measure as a rest. I thought that was weird so I went to go resave it in ms4, but I noticed it was that was on the software as well. I tried hitting undo, redo, re-opening the file, and the first note was always missing. If anybody could explain I'd like to know what's going on. Also the missing first beat was only in like the first half of the score as well.

Image of score (with beats missing & some info) below

Attachment Size
5QWffuI6J.png 93.35 KB

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