Inter-beam spacing for 16th and 32nd notes too wide when importing from 3.6 into 4.0

• Dec 26, 2022 - 05:01

When I import a score created in 3.6 into Musescore 4, the space between beam lines for 16th and 32nd notes is far too wide - much wider than when creating a score from scratch.

Attached are screen captures from the same file displayed in 3.6 and 4.

Also attached is the original score that created the problem.

Attachment Size
The Black Page.mscz 46.04 KB


For some reason the beam spacing is set deliberately to Wide when the score is converted to MS4.
To fix the problem: Format > Style ... > Beams > Beam distance > Regular

When opened in MS3 the beam distance is 94%, so perhaps MS4 interprets anything less than 100% as "Wide"?
[EDIT] Though probably it should interpret a beam distance greater than 100% as "Wide". Puzzling...

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