MuseScore 4.0.0 and MacOS 13.1 Ventura

• Dec 27, 2022 - 04:04

Upon creating a score in version 4.0.0, and selecting a note among multiple parts (for instance, the and of four through saxes 1 through 5) to edit, in this case to enter multiple ties from and into the next note, the program crashes and the file is then corrupted upon reopening. This can happen no matter what beat in the measure I try to edit among different staves.
Is there any way I can create a new score which is not corrupted without having to reenter all the previous information?
I'm running MuseScore on MacOS Ventura 13.1. I've attached the original corrupted score (Revised 12/22) and a newer copy and paste version from that which I tried to redo in order to get a fresh, non corrupted version (Revised 12/26/22).


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