Copy and Paste corrupting files

• Dec 29, 2022 - 17:25

As many people have realized lately with Musescore 4, doing certain tasks such as copying and pasting large bodies of music will often crash the program entirely. To avoid this, I usually duplicate measures one or two at a time. This time, however, I was arranging Chopin's Ballade No. 1 for a marimba trio, and when pasting the treble line from measure 85 over to one of the marimba parts, the program crashed. After I restarted and got back to where I was, I tried copying bar 85 over again, but only the first half of the measure this time. When I did this, not only did the application crash, but the entire file read as corrupted and I have not been able to open it since. I even tried restoring a previous save of the file, but Musescore still claimed that the file was corrupted.

Below, I have linked the original piano file that I downloaded from Tristan Chin (@Jay-Len) in order to arrange my piece, along with the now corrupted file that is the marimba trio version. If anyone is tech-savvy enough to figure out how to open and/or restore the Marimba Duet file and share that info with me, that would be the best.

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