Blank Mixer Panel: No sound. No Playback.

• Dec 30, 2022 - 05:43

When opening a project, the mixer panel doesn't load any VST or Instrument tracks names. Dropdown boxes are blank and no selection can be made even on the instruments that are loaded, no sound comes through playback and there is no way of changing to a different VST. Musescore will not playback any instrument and the scrolling locator does not move, but sits still at the start of the selected section.

I have tried to change playback devices in the I/O menu to try to force musescore to reload the VSTs. I have quit and reopened musescore. I have restarted my mac and still no change. Nothing I have tried has fixed the problem.

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after doing some digging through the forum and looking around muse hub, I found the option to select 'sounds install location' in muse hub settings. the default option is selected (user/library/containers/com.muse.hub/data/installdata). however when searching through finder (i'm on MacOS 12.6.1 forgot to mention that earlier) there is no such folder titled 'com.muse.hub' inside /containers.

does this have anything to do with my issue?

any suggestions???

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