Converting Gp7 files to MuseScore--how to preserve sharps and flats as originally transcribed?

• Dec 31, 2022 - 09:17

I tried importing a Guitar Pro 7 file I wrote a couple years ago to MuseScore 4. There is no key signature, because it is an exercise going over the chromatic scale. As such, the notes were written as sharps when ascending, and flats when descending, to help students learn the ropes.

But now, e.g. A# is shown by MuseScore as Bb, and then the following B has a natural, and on the descending side Ab is shown as G#, then the following G has a natural sign.

How do I fix this--either on import (preferable if possible) or manually after import? I don't see an obvious way to convert A# to Bb or vice versa.


> I don't see an obvious way to convert A# to Bb or vice versa.
Select the A# note and press 'j'. You'll get Bb.
Press 'j' again and you'll get A# again.

If you are writing the notes and want an A#, write an A and use the up arrow key.
If you want a Bb, write a B and use the down arrow key.

I don't know a way to fix it on import.

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