Musescore 4 is too laggy, is there a way to make it run faster?

• Dec 31, 2022 - 22:48

Wasn't sure what exactly to put this under, but is there way to make Musescore 4 run smoothly on a potatoes computer. Musescore 3 works really well on my computer (Inspiron 3195, 4GB of ram) but Musescore 4 barely runs even a single instrument. Is there going to be some sort of update that makes the CPU usage of the playback less resource intensive or do I just need a better computer?


I worded a few things wrong, sorry. It runs decently with a lot of crackling on smaller scores, but on the bigger scores it has a really hard time playing. Still overall super laggy compared to Musescore 3

Your computer spec. looks similar to my 11 year old PC, (which is low compared to even a current i3 laptop), so I wouldn't hold out for huge improvements with MS4. Maybe you know someone who could road test MS4 for you on a modern system to see how it performs with one of your scores.

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